.. _advanced_configuration: ================================ Advanced configuration of pySMAC ================================ Restricting your Functions Resources ------------------------------------ Often in algorithm configuration (SMAC's main application), some configurations may take too long, consume more memory than they should or have other undesired side effects. To guard against these cases, pySMAC utilizes a Python module called **pynisher** which allows you to specify certain limits for your function. Specifically, you can limit your functions memory consumption, CPU and wall clock time. Refer to the :py:meth:`pySMAC.optimizer.SMAC_optimizer.minimize` documentation for further details. Similar limits can be applied to the SMAC process(es) started in the background. Please check out :py:meth:`pySMAC.optimizer.SMAC_optimizer`. If your function takes too long, or tries to allocate too much memory, the subprocess encapsulating your function receives a signal, and is aborted. Please refer to the pynisher manual for more details. .. _advanced_options: Additional (py)SMAC Options --------------------------- The API of pySMAC is designed to allow a low barrier entry for using it, but SMAC is a very powerful tool that comes with numerous features. For a novice this complexity might be overwhelming, but more experienced users need to be able to access the full potential of SMAC. This is the reason why pySMAC forces you to create a SMAC_optimizer object before calling its method minimize. In principle, this could be combined into a simple function. But splitting it up into two steps allows the user to modify the standard options of SMAC itself and some advanced features of pySMAC. The large number of options in SMAC is far too large to implement a proper python function taking those as arguments without cluttering the interface and/or running into trouble when new options are added in future versions. Instead, the *SMAC_optimizer* object has an attribute called **smac_options**. This is a dict where the keys-value pair represent a SMAC option and the corresponding value. It is populated with some defauld values on creation of the *SMAC_optimizer* object, and will be used to start SMAC inside the *minimize* method. That way, the user has full control over every SMAC option by manipulating the entries of said dict before starting the minimization. For example, you might want to change the number of trees in the random forest SMAC fits internally to the observed data. Looking into the SMAC manual reveals there exists an option called called "--rf-num-trees" when calling SMAC from the command line. To use this option in pySMAC, add the key "rf-num-trees" (dropping the leading hyphens) like that: .. code-block:: python opt = pySMAC.SMAC_optimizer() opt.smac_options['rf-num-trees'] = 16 Now, SMAC would fit 16 trees when the minimize method is called. There are a few entries in this dictionary that are not SMAC, but pySMAC options: +----------------+------------------------------------------------------------+---------------+ | Name | Description | Default | +================+============================================================+===============+ |scenario_fn | All important SMAC options are stored in a scenario file. | 'scenario.dat'| | | This option sets the name for that file. | | +----------------+------------------------------------------------------------+---------------+ |java_executable | SMAC itself runs inside a Java Runtime Environment. This | 'java' | | | option controls how Java is invoked on the command line. | | | | It is possible to pass additional arguments to Java using | | | | this entry. E.g., '/usr/bin/java -d32' would tell pySMAC | | | | where the Java binary can be found and that it should use | | | | a 32-bit data model if available. Use this if the system | | | | wide command java is not the JRE you want pySMAC to use. | | +----------------+------------------------------------------------------------+---------------+ |timeout_quality | If the function call times out while you optimize the | 2^127 | | | quality the value specified here will be assumed to be the | | | | returned value. | | +----------------+------------------------------------------------------------+---------------+ Optimizing Runtime instead of Quality ------------------------------------- Minimizing a function is a relatively general problem which, in principle, also allows for runtime optimization. But optimizing the duration of the function cal is so common and allows for a customized approach that SMAC has a dedicated mode for it. One of the key differences between minimizing a functions return value (the quality) rather then the runtime, is that incomplete runs still contain valuable information in the latter case. Imagine, SMAC already encountered a configuration that can finish in 5 seconds. For subsequent runs, there is no need to wait longer than said 5 seconds for any other configuration to finish. The corresponding option is called **run-obj**, and can take the values 'RUNTIME' or 'QUALITY' (default for pySMAC). If you want to optimize runtime, the return value of your function should not be the duration you want SMAC to record for this call. pySMAC automatically measures the CPU time of your function. The actual return value of your function is somewhat irrelevant. However, if you want to overwrite pySMAC's time measurement, your function can return a ``dict`` where the following keys are used: +-------------+--------------------------------------------------------+ | Key | Explanation | +=============+========================================================+ | value | The actual function value. Has to be a float. | +-------------+--------------------------------------------------------+ | runtime | The time that is recorded for this run. Does not have | | | to be the actual runtime, but your function will be | | | restricted to certain CPU time limits if you optimize | | | run time. Use this to provide a more precise time | | | measurement. | +-------------+--------------------------------------------------------+ | status | SMAC has historically strong ties to the SAT community,| | | and where every run yields either shows that a given | | | boolean formula is satisfiable or unsatisfialble. | | | The status indicates whether the run was succesfull | | | (SAT/UNSAT) or not (TIMEOUT/CRASHED/ABORT). Please | | | consult the SMAC manual for more details. | +-------------+--------------------------------------------------------+ .. _training_instances: Optimizing on a Set of Instances -------------------------------- Commonly in algorithm configuration, one is not only interested in optimizing a simple function, but rather the overall performance across a set of instances (called the training set). This adds to the complexity of the problem as a single configuration has to be evaluated on several instances to estimate its performance. The num_train_instances argument of :py:meth:`pySMAC.optimizer.SMAC_optimizer.minimize` specifies the number of instances your function accepts. If it is a positive integer, pySMAC will call your function with an additional argument, called **instance**. This parameter will be an int in ``range(num_train_instances)``. What the underlying meaning of this instance number is has to be implemented in your function. For example, one can use different cross-validation folds as instances when optimizing a machine learning method. The file *sklearn_example_advanced_crossvalidation.py* presents this use-case. .. _validation: Validation ---------- When optimizing on instances, the final evaluation of a configuration's performance does not take place on the training set used during the optimization. Doing so usually leads to overfitting, and poor generalization to unseen instances. Instead, a separate set, called the test set, is used to assess the performance of a configuration. This behavior is activated in pySMAC by specifying the argument num_test_instances of :py:meth:`pySMAC.optimizer.SMAC_optimizer.minimize`. These instances are represented by integers from ``range(num_train_instances, num_train_instances + num_test_instances)``. After the budget of function evaluations is exhausted, SMAC will run the configuration with the best estimated trainings performance on the complete test set as a validation. .. note:: Right now, this option overwrites the entries ``validate-only-last-incumbent`` and ``validation`` in the smac_option ``dict`` (see :ref:`advanced_options`) with ``True``. In future versions, pySMAC should/will honor user set values for those variables. .. _non-deterministic: Non-determinstic Functions -------------------------- If your function uses any source of randomness, and its performance might crucially depend on it, SMAC can take this into account, too. In order get reproducible results, SMAC now also associates a seed with every call, that becomes an argument of your function. Given the same seed and the same input you function be deterministic. This way, SMAC can rerun the same configuration with different seeds to estimate the performance. By setting, ``deterministic = False`` in the call to :py:meth:`pySMAC.optimizer.SMAC_optimizer.minimize` this behavior is enabled.